We love to love and we love to be loved. We don't like stress and we are in no hurry. We are never late when we arrive it is the right time. The morning starts with coffee which lasts until lunch, sometimes until dinner. We’re all politicians, we’re all football connoisseurs, we all know everything, we’re masters at everything, everyone knows everyone, we drive better than “Schumacher,” we read the instructions at the end to see where we went wrong.

We have our days when we transport our brains to a lonely island and we are still able to lead endless meaningless discussions about "partisans" and "Ustashas". This is our "state of mind" # FJAKA # We believe that God believes in us and if he walked the earth again it would be Croatia and he would proudly wear our red and white checkerboard

It's not easy being a Croat ... but I like it