Privacy policy We undertake not to publish or sell your personal data. By providing information on this page, you agree that this information will only be used by Visit Kornati j.d.o.o., in accordance with this privacy policy and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). By attending or signing up for any of the trips offered by Visit Kornati, you agree that we can use group photos of the trips you attended as promotional material on this website or any of our social media profiles. By providing information to this page, you agree to be on our newsletter subscriber list, from which you can easily unsubscribe at your own discretion. You also agree that we use your personal data exclusively for the purposes of our marketing activities. We respect your privacy and will therefore use your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy and the GDPR. This site uses the Stripe payment gateway and does not receive any customer credit card information. It should be noted that the Internet is an insecure environment and there is always the possibility of data theft. The Best Zadar Experience j.d.o.o. makes every effort to ensure maximum protection of the data in question, but cannot be held responsible for possible data theft.


we are here at your service to try to make your vacation better


We have chosen the best excursions for you from a wide range of offers from each segment